A-Ret Retinol Gel UK


A-Ret is a popular retinoid gel in the UK that reduces fine lines and wrinkles. It also smooths rough face skin and increases collagen levels. It should not be used with other products that can dry your skin, like astringents and shaving creams.

Retinoids accelerate skin cell turnover, boost collagen production, reduce pigmentation and pore visibility. However, they come with a period of red, flaking dry skin known as the ‘retinoid purge’.
What is Tretinoin?

Tretinoin is a prescription strength topical treatment that’s derived from Vitamin A. It speeds up cell turnover and promotes collagen production, which treats acne and hyperpigmentation. It also reduces pore visibility and fine lines and wrinkles. It’s one of the most effective treatments for preventing and treating photoaging (Guan, 2021).

When used regularly, it can improve elasticity, firm skin, and prevent discoloration. It can also reverse some of the effects of photoaging, such as uneven skin tone and loose, sagging skin (Yoham, 2020).

When applying tretinoin, it’s important to avoid excessive washing or scrubbing, as this can cause irritation. Additionally, it’s recommended to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen and avoid sunbathing or using tanning beds. It’s also advisable to avoid hair removal methods like waxing or laser treatment while taking tretinoin, as these can cause sensitive skin. In addition, it’s important to use effective contraception during and after tretinoin treatment.
How to Use Tretinoin

Retinol is a skincare hero loved for its ability to minimise fine lines, limit blemishes and even out skin tone. But its big sister tretinoin can do the same on a more powerful level, speeding up your cell turnover to reveal fresher, brighter skin.

Tretinoin comes in creams and gels with varying strengths, from 0.01% to 0.1% tretinoic acid. It’s important to start with the lowest strength possible, and work your way up. This reduces the risk of irritation, which can sometimes be a side effect of the ingredient.

Always apply tretinoin to clean, dry skin. Make sure to avoid the lips (unless your tretinoin is specifically targeting melasma around your mouth), and be careful not to get any in your eyes. It’s also important to avoid rubbing it into areas that are sunburned or windburned, or open wounds. It may also cause your skin to become more sensitive to the sun, so wear sunscreen when using tretinoin.
Side Effects of Tretinoin

The ‘overachiever of the skincare world’, this powerful skin treatment is an effective way to treat acne, increase collagen production, improve sun damage and even reduce pores. It works by irritating the skin, which causes older cells to shed and die – allowing newer, fresher cells to take their place.

Tretinoin is a form of vitamin A, which is known to do a lot of good for the skin. You can find it in cream and gel formulations, which are both suited to different skin types. Cream is generally preferred for dry or normal skin, while gel may be better for oily or combination skin.

Tretinoin can cause serious side effects, including pain in the tummy (abdomen), bones and chest, and diarrhoea. If you experience any of these, speak to your doctor or dermatologist as soon as possible. You should also use two acceptable forms of birth control while taking tretinoin, and for 1 month after you stop treatment.
Precautions of Tretinoin

The most common reason for tretinoin use is to reduce blemishes and limit fine lines and wrinkles. It can also help with discolouration due to sun damage. The results can be temporary and take 8-12 weeks to appear. Tretinoin cannot erase certain changes, like severe sun damage and deep wrinkles, but it can delay these changes.

During your consultation with your doctor, they will design a personalised treatment plan including the dose and frequency of applying tretinoin. Your doctor will also tell you which strength to start with and when you can increase the dose and frequency.

Always apply tretinoin as directed. Avoid using it on windburned skin, open wounds and mucous membranes, such as the lips, eyes, corners of the nose and mouth. It is very important to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully, as failing to do so may result in irritation and a severe allergic reaction. If you suffer an allergic reaction, seek immediate emergency medical treatment.tretinoin gel uk

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