Galabau Buchholz


Buchholz’s substantive research focuses on the globalization of cultural production and art markets, as well as issues related to global/transnational theorizing. Her publications advance global field theory as a new paradigm in the study of the emergence and multi-scalar structure of global cultural fields. Her exhibition projects explore the history of multiples.
Founded in 1986

Unsere Firma ist Ihr kompetenter Ansprechpartner in allen Bereichen der Garten- und Landschaftsbauer Arbeit. Dabei zählen unter anderem das Pflege und Entfernen von Rasen, Hecken oder Strauchern, die Installation von Bewasserungsanlagen oder -systeme sowie den Betrieb und Gestaltung offenen Gartenanlagen. Unsere persönlichen Beratung und einen schnellen, zuverlassigen Angebot stehen Ihnen zur Verfügung.

In Ergänzung zur Bepflanzung und Pflege unserer Kunden profitieren Sie von uns auch bei der individuellen Gestaltung von Teichanlagen. Koiteiche, Zierteiche und Schwimmteiche mit entsprechenden Pumpen und Filtersystemen sind unsere Specialitat.

Seit 2002 steht der Fachbetrieb Garten- und Landschaftsbau Buchholz unter anderem als Partner für die professionellen Umgestaltung öffentlichen und privaten Aussenanlagen in der Luneburger Heide. Dabei erlauben wir es Ihnen, Ihren Garten zu klassisch oder modern, verwunschen oder mediterran auszugestalten. Unsere Kunden profitieren von unseren langjährigen Erfahrungen und einer fachlichen Betreuung. Darüber hinaus stehen wir zur individuellen Beaufsichtigung und Ausfuhr der Pflanzen zur Verfügung. So können Sie Ihren Vorstellungen auf höchster Qualität umgesetzt werden.
Represented by Isa Genzken

Isa Genzken is a contemporary German artist who works primarily in sculpture. Her work builds out of the detritus of everyday life and combines seemingly disparate materials into unexpected, new objects that engage with the history of Minimalism and Constructivism in a post-modern, conceptual language.

In her assemblage Schwarzes Hyperbolo Nueschen (Black Hyperbolo Little Nut), first exhibited in the German Pavilion at the 2007 Venice Biennale, Genzken reworks a cluster of buildings fashioned from plywood, pizza boxes, spray paint, construction netting and police tape into a picturesque slum that is simultaneously depressing and festive. The piece evokes the zeitgeist of a global culture in a throes of panic.

In the gallery, Genzken sits on a workbench smoking and talking with Daniel Buchholz, her dealer and longtime friend. She seems weak and frail, but her mind is sharp. She describes the way her works flow from one another: minimalism and trash, Hieronymus Bosch and American concept art.
Presents curated and historical exhibitions

In addition to showing works by represented artists, Galabau Buchholz often hosts curated exhibitions and symposiums. The accompanying publications provide a deeper look into the work, often highlighting new and historical works by other artists as well as critical texts on the themes of the respective shows.

This catalogue accompanies Silke Otto-Knapp’s exhibition at the Renaissance Society in Spring 2020, and features installation shots of each work and larger images of individual works on foldout pages along with new essays by Carol Armstrong, Darby English, Rachel Hann, and Catriona MacLeod. The book was designed by Florian Pumhosl.

This book focuses on the 42 projects for outdoor sculpture that Isa Genzken developed from 1984-2016. It contains photographs, material descriptions and extensive documentation of these projects. It is the first comprehensive monograph on the artist and was published in collaboration with Greene Naftali, Galerie Daniel Buchholz and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz Konig.
Located in Cologne

Founded in 1986 by Daniel Buchholz, the gallery is located on Neven-DuMont-Strasse 17, which was the primary location of the antiquarian bookshop his father Hans founded. Buchholz converted the bookshop’s storage spaces into exhibition areas. In addition to showing work by artists represented by the gallery, Buchholz also organized curated and historical exhibitions, such as those of John Armleder and Brian Eno.

Today, the gallery is jointly run by Buchholz and Christopher Muller. In addition to the gallery in Cologne, it operates a space at Fasanenstrasse 30 in Berlin and 17 East 82nd Street in New York City. The gallery regularly exhibits works by Isa Genzken in its Cologne and Berlin locations. It has shown her work since 1988, when Buchholz exhibited her concrete “World Receiver” radio sculptures in the window of a HiFi electronics store.

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