Words hold a lot of power. They can lift us up or bring us down, inspire or discourage us.

Many inspirational quotes focus on dreams and making them come true. Dreams help motivate us to get up each day and keep going.

But Talkspace therapist Meaghan Rice says that if the right quote isn’t delivered at the right time, it can backfire.
Pursue Your Dreams

Chasing your dreams is a rewarding experience. It helps you to grow as a person and it can also make a positive impact on the world. However, it’s important to remember that dreams aren’t always easy and they can take a long time to come to fruition.

Nevertheless, it’s important to stay motivated and remember that every small step is progress. Each achievement you make on the path to your dream will help to strengthen your resolve and reinforce your belief in yourself.

Pursuing your dreams may require sacrifices, such as giving up time with family and friends or sacrificing financial security. But it’s worth it in the end because your life is more meaningful when you pursue what you love and are passionate about.
Be Yourself

Be yourself is such a simple but profound phrase. It can be easy to lose sight of your true self in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but if you learn how to be yourself and stay true to who you are, you can make a positive impact on those around you.

Being yourself isn’t always easy, and there will be times when others may question your choices or mock your uniqueness. However, the key is to not let that bother you. Instead, remember that you are who you are for a reason.

These inspirational quotes about being yourself can help you keep your head up when times are tough and remind you that it is okay to be different. These quotes can help you discover new parts of yourself and stay true to your authentic self.
Be Happy

Getting through the day is easier with a positive outlook. Whether you’re dealing with bad news or just feeling down, you can choose to dwell on unpleasant feelings or embrace happiness and joy. Spending time with a positive attitude and people will increase your well-being and overall happiness.

Happiness isn’t something you “get” or “hold on to.” It’s a continuous journey. It’s important to find ways to nurture happiness in your life, like practicing meditation, embracing gratitude, and exercising.

It’s also essential to identify roadblocks that are limiting your happiness, like negative environments and people. Find ways to remove these obstacles from your life, if possible. These inspirational quotes about happiness will give you hope and help you stay motivated. It’s worth it!
Be Grateful

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can help you feel more happy and successful. It’s also a great way to boost your mood when life isn’t going well, and it can help you cope with tough times.

Practicing gratitude doesn’t mean hiding your depression or pretending to be happy, but rather focusing on the good things in your life and finding ways to express them. It can be as simple as writing down a few things that you’re thankful for each day or giving back to others in a kind gesture.

Research has shown that practicing gratitude can help boost your mood by reminding you of the good things in your life, which leads to a feeling of happiness. The best way to practice gratitude is to make it a daily habit, so try setting aside some time each day for this activity.
Be Creative

When you’re working on a challenging creative project, it can help to look for quotations that inspire ideas for your work. You can search for quotations that closely relate to your challenge or you can find ones that are completely unrelated and let the raw ideas that they trigger in your mind inspire creativity.

These motivational quotes can be a great way to boost your confidence and help you believe that you can achieve whatever it is that you’re working toward. They can also serve as a reminder that success doesn’t come easily and that you must always strive to be the best version of yourself.

Creativity requires freedom, letting go, and imagining things that aren’t there. This quote by Salvador Dali embodies this mindset perfectly.

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