Currently, the TV show is ahead of the books, so dedicated fans are contemplating the countless ways it could end.
There are several wild and wonderful theories about Game of Thrones – and voucher cloud has ranked some of the most popular ones – along with a roast chicken scale – to help determine which direction the show will go and how it will end.
Westeros is Conquered by Jon Snow the White Walker:
It is believed that Jon Snow will eventually turn into a White Walker and lead the army of the dead to take over Westeros. The fact that everyone would technically be alive yet dead would probably solve a lot of problems. The wiping out of those who betrayed Jon after he was betrayed by the Nights Watch is widely supported.
R+L = J:
The theory that keeps on theorizing. It has inspired a multitude of others. Leaked set photos, tweets and interviews almost confirm this. Jon Snow is the result of the courtship between Rhaegal Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. According to this theory, Jon Snow is actually a Targaryen and an heir to the Iron Throne.
Jon Snow Marries Daenerys:
This means that the age-old tradition of Targaryen’s marrying each other continues if R+L = J is true. If Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar, then Daenerys would technically be his aunt if he is the son of Rhaegar. The fact that that would be frowned upon (and probably illegal) in the real world is unsurprising in the universe of George R.R. Martin. It is also possible that we may even be grateful for the union after all the bloodshed we have witnessed.

Stannis Is Still Alive & Will Claim TheIron Throne.
Stannis may be dead according to the TV show writers, but there is enough love for Stannis among fans to make it hard to completely write him off. The burning of Stannis’ daughter is an example of how he consistently places the interests of the realm above his own. While his recent losses at Kings Landing and at Winterfell dent his martial abilities, he is still alive and well. Perhaps Brienne remembered her duties as a Kings guard?
Game Of Thrones Follows a Passage in The Bible:
According to this theory, Game of Thrones follows a passage in the Bible. In addition to drawing inspiration from Norse mythology and the origins of Nordic religions, he also draws a lot from biblical stories. Those who pay attention have noted that Revelation 12-19 basically sums up all of Game of Thrones. An advertisement on reddit that contains details about the rumor can be found below. There is a good chance that Aegon Targaryen, or at least someone who looks like him, will return to Westeros and restore the Targaryen dynasty. Jon Stewart returns as a White Walker to wipe out the survivors after Daenerys returns and ruins everything for everyone
Meera Reed &Jon Snow Are Siblings:
Meera Reed is rumored to be Jon Snow’s sister, an old rumor that hasn’t gone away. The courtship results in twins instead of the R+L=J theory! The characters are portrayed by similar-looking actors in the shows, and they are the same age in the books. Could it possibly be as hyped as it is?
Clegane Bowl:
It has sparked rich debates on how Cersei Lannister will seek revenge after the High Sparrow conquers Kings Landing and shows Cersei Lannister humiliated by his religious zealots. There is a heated debate surrounding the much-hyped “Clegane Bowl”. In this theory, Cersei uses the reanimated Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane in a trial by combat against Sandor “The Hound” Clegane. Reddit’s Clegane bowl thread is a great source for all things Clegane bowl and the hype is incredible. There is a possibility that what started out as a hype fest could actually be true with new cast members hinting at a return of a beloved character.